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  • Image of an American flag
    Memorial Day

    Hope you and your family have a safe and enjoyable Memorial Day. Please take a moment to remember the sacrifices that were made to make this the great country that it is.

  • image of a desktop and laptop computer
    When and why should you reboot your computer? Rebooting your computer is large part of keeping your computer running
  • More Keyboard tips
    Some more handy Windows shortcuts. If you have a bunch of apps open and want to get back to your desktop just hit Win + D key. This will immediately show your desktop.
  • hand writing and hand on a notepad
    Well it’s officially the year 2020. You have probably been saying to yourself for a while now ‘We really need a new website’.
  • Happy thanksgiving image
    Happy Thanksgiving

    May the good things of life be yours in abundance not only at Thanksgiving but throughout the coming year.

  • Happy Independence Day

    Wishing you and your family and fun and safe 4th of July.